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Washed stuffed toys

Washed stuffed toys
Washed stuffed toys
soft, singing, soft toys, batteries, night, package, trashcan, neighbor

drying soft toys


Apparently, fabulous days can not pass bored after the come New Year.
So tonight is nothing no signs of trouble.
After watching the evening "Goodnightly" all went to bed, putting pens under the cheeks and peacefully snuffle.
The house froze for a while.
But at three o'clock in the morning suddenly began horror...
Somewhere, as if from hell, there was a strange sound, and it was not clear - whether it's some kind a song of half strangled man, or it's some kind of hoarse cuckoo.
We woke up and immediately began to inspect the room.
The TV was off, the computer too, but the nasty sound went and went, and it seemed like it would never end.
We fully wake up and found finally the sound source. It was a child's e-ABC, at the usual time pronounce different letters and singing lovely songs.
This e-ABC was turn on for some reason in the night, but when you consider that the batteries were already half dead, it is easy to imagine Manufactured effect.
Having understood, we went to sleep and in the morning we laughed and remembered that this topic has long been discussed, but there still was much more serious.
I quote from memory.
On forum is one aunt asks heartbreaking question: what to do with a washed Cheburashka, which was dried and then literally went crazy - he singing his song every three minutes?
All attempts to shut up it to nothing lead.
Cheburashka was even hidden in the closet and inundated with things on top, but he continued to sing his song.
To help the poor woman came sympathetic.
One woman said that she had on the balcony was whole day singing soft bunny after washing, and it lasted for as long while batteries not dead.
Other Madame told how she after washing plush baby doll began to laugh hysterically infernal laughter and yelling: "Mama, Mama, I want to eat!"
Another told about the rooster on the photocell, which is every time past him someone passed, began crowing loudly.
A single interlocutor shared quite fascinating situation, told the following story: she and her husband slept night in her grandmother house on a folding bed, and, behold, at the most unexpected moment, when her husband began to whisper in her ear something tender, suddenly the bed to self fold, and a mysterious creature intimate whisper sang:
"I - your little beauty, play with me!"
It turned out that the child has forgotten under the bed his toy.
But the most nightmare was shared the last interlocutor.
In their house was a mechanical dinosaur, which jumping and sing loudly.
Thoughtful child of the aunt broke switch of this toy, therefore it has become self-activated by any sound, the door bell, and even cough - began to twitch and scream loudly.
The atmosphere in the house was terrible, the inhabitants of the apartment moving almost crawling, talking only in whispers.
Once, when his son was not at home, in mother had the idea to throw out a monster in the trash.
Gently put him in a bag, she was carried him into the yard and left in the tank.
Quietly, almost on tiptoe, moving to the door, she saw that to the dump with a loud coughing is walking neighbor.
It is easy to imagine that he experienced when suddenly, in front of him the bag with trash started jumping and publish loud singing...

the strangest soft toy

the strangest soft toy

What could be lovelier than animated and talking soft toy at three oclock of the morning?

Category: Comic Stories

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