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Do not come close! I am is Ligr cub rather than pussy!

Do not come close! I am is Ligr cub rather than pussy!
Do not come close! I am is Ligr cub rather than pussy!
ligr cub, lion, tigress, zoo

ligr cub

ligr cub

Dad - a lion, mother - a tigress.
In one of the zoo was born a wonderful kid - ligr cub.
Dad and Mom was lived in neighboring cages since childhood, and when it matured, zoo staff decided to introduce them.
There was love with the consequences.
After the allotted time at the "bride" was rounded tummy, and in the end she labored wonderful kid.
The chances of the total offspring of a lion and tiger is only 1%, and this was the case.
And in the wild, it turns out, such cases do not occur.
On the first day of the baby almost died.
He eagerly shouting, later identified as simply from hunger, because mothers had no milk.
The child was able to pick up and feed artificially.
Currently, he has a great appetite and a day increasing approximately 150 grams.
If it goes on, the baby outgrows the pope.
Ligers grow inordinately tall and 4 meters, they do not have the gene, constraining growth.
Currently on the planet less than three dozen Ligers, and "King" (the so-called baby) - one of them.
The biggest liger - "Hercules" from Miami - weighs 400 kg and is considered the largest cat in the world.

ligr cub


ligr cub

younger ligr

лигр Геркулес

liger "Hercules"

In one of the zoo was born a wonderful kid - ligr cub.

Category: Also Interesting

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