This concept as "a wolf in sheep's clothing", surprise someone hard.The meaning is clear, of course.But the "pig in sheep's clothing" - This is new, but is firmly included in Russian ...
1.The husband from work and once in the same chair. It includes a TV and tells his wife:- Come on, tedious in my ears, yet football is not started.
2.Mother brought his little son to t...
5 unexpected things that are useful for our health
One of the greatest treasures possessed by man, is without a doubt, health. No wealth and material goods will not bring joy if we get sick.
Today you can find a lot of information ...
men in kilts
First I need say that to call a skirt that's wrapped the Scots around the waist, is wrong. This is not a skirt, and a piece of cloth, which in a special way wraps around the l...
In Denmark there is an interesting tradition. Take the jump off the table in the new year's eve, for chase away evil power, evil spirits and attracts fortune. Also, people throw dishe...
Sex in space: Many people dream about having sex in zero gravity, in other words in space. Others say that is nonsense and not real. In fact, in weightlessness sex is almost impossibl...
The most greedy millionaires: Nicholas van Hoogstraten
Nicholas van Hoogstraten
Owner of the $ 800 million Nicholas van Hoogstraten, a few years ago was under investigation for murder. If not search in his house, no one would was known about h...
the border between North and South Korea is in the middle of the table
Political relations between the two neighbours, North and South Korea, was not always smooth. This is evidenced by the demilitarized zone with a width of four kilometers on the border...